Today we are going to continue our discussion with an IT service provider who created a business plan, learn how he did it and find out how his business plan helped his business become more successful. Part 2 of a four part series. Read More
There is a long standing mindset to say you work for someone rather than working with them. Abandoning this mindset in any organization will produce greater efficiencies and improve overall competitive advantage. Read More
Throughout our lives we are constantly trying to juggle everything in the air, desperately trying not to let anyone down. This is a huge task and something that all female business owners strive to achieve... Read More
Small business owners might be surprised to learn they they are vulnerable to the same worker complaints that plague corporate America. In particular, more employees are suing companies for violating wage-and-hour rules, typically claiming they weren't paid overtime. Read More
Today we’re going to talk with an IT service provider who created a business plan, learn how he did it and find out how his business plan helped his business become more successful. Part 1 of a four part series. Read More
The best planning isn't about accurately predicting the future. It's about keeping long-term and short-term and all those business interdependencies organized so you can manage them quickly and effectively when you have to. Read More
These days, getting frequent flyer miles is more helpful than ever. The airlines are charging more and running less flights, but the demands of a business traveler haven't gone down. Planning ahead for travel costs can make a big difference on your bottom line. Read More
Lately, the term "Integrated Business Software" has been used very freely within the business software industry. Improper or incomplete terminology by the software makers leads only to further confusion and misunderstanding of the true meaning of fully integrated business software. When a company offers a variety of compatible software products, it does not always make them integrated. Read More
Scrum is a useful methodology for delivering projects that take more than a few days to complete. It keeps focus and demonstrates progress to the end-customer. It's a great way of keeping your projects for customers relevant and fresh in everyone's minds! Read More
Small business owners pining for full-fledged recovery may want to temper their enthusiasm for each and every positive economic report. The Wall Street Journal, citing a survey by human resources consulting firm Right Management, warns that 60% of workers plan to quit their jobs and look for better ones when the employment situation improves. That could mean that just when rising demand finally Read More

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