When entrepreneur Daphnee Surpris had the opportunity recently to help out a local nonprofit that assists at-risk teens, she jumped at the chance. As Surpris, owner of Ms. Dahlia's Cafe in Brooklyn, told the NYDailyNews.com, "I got the sense that these girls are like me, but didn't grow up as fortunately as I did." Read More
Sticking to your business strategy and vision for your company is important in the early days. Feedback should be sought and reacted to in moderation! Read More
The Obama administration's February 2009 economic stimulus legislation has increased the employee benefits costs for businesses that are now expected to foot a larger portion of the bill for employees who no longer work for them due to layoffs. According to Entrepreneur.com, federally mandated health care coverage for laid-off employees through the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act o Read More
The importance of a good employee benefits plan for your small business goes beyond being a good recruitment and retention tool though those certainly are two key reasons you should have a competitive plan in place. This post from Small Business Notes can help get your business focused on the importance of developing a good plan if you haven't got one already and give you some pointers about what Read More
After working for over 20 years on various projects simultaneously I have tried to figure out the very best To Do system. I have done the hacked Get Things Done, Franklin Covey binders that were so stuffed that you couldn't... Read More
Traditional health insurance options haven't just failed to stop the bleeding they've also kept Americans in the dark and robbed them of choice. Everyone is responsible for a small part of healthcare spending, and individuals have the power to turn the situation around.

Consumer-driven health plans (CDHPs) put knowledge and power back into people's hands. Read More
There have been several articles on the net recently suggesting that writing a thorough business plan might be a waste of time. What is the real truth and are there exceptions? Read More
Most first interviews are conducted over the telephone. Here are strategies that will help you ace that intial interview. Read More
Market research is key to ensuring your business stays up to date. Competitor analysis along with an understanding of consumer trends is vital to ensuring your continued business success. Ask Dr Evil what it's like to be out of touch! Read More
I am giving up “giving up” for Lent …. Givng Up is the easy option. Advice to practice persistence and help reject rejection. Read More

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