Branding is only half the communication story for non profit leaders. Ventureneer's webinar focuses on integrating all kinds of communication. Read More
Interesting lessons learned from the original Ponzi Scheme. Some include "Putting Your Money Where Your Mouth Is," and "removing greed, pride, and ego from business decisions." Read More
As a young entrepreneur, it is very easy to make small mistakes that can cost you a lot of money. Sure, everyone says that this is a sure-fire way to increase users or customers, but will it really work for your business? There’s no golden rule to making money easily or increasing the amount of users for your application, but there are simple ways you can mishandle your capital. Read More
The practice of effective personnel management is one that small businesses need to develop and improve as they expand and grow. The vast majority of businesses in the United States today employ fewer than 100 people and yet current research conducted in the personnel field tends to focus on larger firms (over 100 employees) that employ full-time personnel specialists. Read More
You may have heard from numerous experts that now is a great time to do hiring for your small business. With a harsh economic climate and high unemployment, there is an opportunity here to pick up some great talent and be able to grow your business too. But how can you attract and hire the people you need both now and after the economic downturn resolves?'s Susan Ward of Small Business Read More
As if small business owners don't already face sufficient challenges in getting their ventures off the ground and running them in a tough economy, a report from Investopedia says small businesses occupy a "sensitive" area that is more likely to draw scrutiny (and possibly audits) from the Internal Revenue Service, just one more burden for entities government and economic leaders are fond of calli Read More
For the serious entrepreneur, working from home does have its benefits, and it has its pitfalls as well. Like any success in business, it takes dedication and planning to make it work. Here are three common issues the work-from-home entrepreneur faces, and some tips to help overcome them. Read More
Workplace conflict and the steps to take in resolving such conflicts. Getting along better with co-workers. Read More
Here it comes again. St.Valentine’s Day. Flower, card and gift shops are gearing up for the bonanza that this unique celebration of all things romantic yields. Read More
It cannot be denied that “Customers are now King, and Queen!” In times when we need to retain our existing customers like never before, and encourage new ones as much as possible, it is absolutely essential that the bar is raised on all aspects of customer management and interaction so that we deliver exactly what our customers expect and more – without exception. Read More

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