When creating an employee benefits package for your small business, competing with huge companies may not be possible, but be sure you have the basics that employees expect. At least keep up with other small and growing businesses and what they provide employees. And think about some special perks you may be able to offer that set you apart. For more, read "Standard Benefit and Employment Package Read More
All businesses must comply with federal, state, and local requirements to legally operate in the United States. While these compliance requirements can protect your business name, you may want to take further steps to safeguard your business name. Read on to learn more about different types of business names and how to protect them in your locally, nationally, and internationally.

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Generational cohorts prove helpful in understanding overall trends, attitudes and behaviors of a group. Managing or marketing to a group becomes more effective by using this knowledge to tailor your message and determine the method of delivery. Read More
There is only one way to create sustainable competitive advantage and smart growth: Customer Loyalty. Before you go out and spend a single dime on any more marketing or advertising or sales, ask yourself this simple question, Are my customers/clients loyal? And if not, then why? Believe it or not, a loyal customer is one very important asset you need to survive. Read More
Forget Monster, CareerBuilder, or Craigslist. In this super-competitive job market, employers have to go beyond just posting on job boards to make sure they're reaching top candidates. If you want to avoid sifting through a huge stack of poor-fit resumes, you might want to consider embracing creative recruiting. Read More
Project management and parenting are very similar in terms of management skills. Parents are probably the best project managers out there! Learn from these skills! Read More
I have started to notice an increase in adverts offering crazy money for seemingly very little. If it seems too good to be true it more thn likely is. Read More
Getting a want ad just right can be tough. You need to get enough responses that you can find the best person for the job, but you don't want to sort through off topic responses. Read More
According to new research by the Federation of Small Business (FSB), two thirds of small businesses are in favour of removing the default retirement age. Currently, 85% of the FSB’s members do not use the default retirement age for their business and 76% believe that an employee should not be forced to retire and that it should be a mutual decision between employer and employee.
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So back to the point above, why is it so difficult to ask someone to become your partner in life? Well, what if I was to ask why could it be so difficult to ask someone for their business? Read More

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