The letters in the word "marketing" can be used to make 42 different words -- with the word "me" being the smallest of them. I don't know what it means...but can you find any additional words in "marketing?" Read More
Dell and the National Federation of Independent Business announced the 10 U.S. finalists for the Fifth Annual Dell/NFIB Small Business Excellence Award. Finalists include Escape Technology, Glance Networks, MedApps, Inc., RNs On-Call, Rugroden Drafting & Design, ServusXchange, TecAccess, TechMD, Transport Designs and Your Beauty Network. Read More
Sometimes negative comments about your business can siphon away business. Here's how to bury bad news on the Internet. Read More
Small business help in answering the question "do I need letterheads and envelopes for my business" Read More has been nominated for the Bloggers Choice Awards! Read More
I'll continue to talk about how you can effectively use articles and blogs to produce high quality leads for your business. Read More
You can't throw in a couple of paragraphs once in a blue moon and expect to instantly become an MS rock star — no matter how great your content is. It just doesn't work that way.... Read More
Three examples of what can be done very effectively by ordinary persons at minimal cost. Read More
How tired are you? The perceived need for multitasking during so much of the day often has you pumping adrenaline as you try to get it all done. Then the reaction after you get past the adrenaline rush is commonly exhaustion. When you do not use effective time management techniques, you may be extremely busy throughout the day without accomplis Read More
Are your customers talking about you on The has launched a set of tools that enable firms to nurture relationships on the popular review site — whose sip-and-tell clientele have likely burned as many small businesses as they have helped. Read More

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