TechCrunch has quoted from an undisclosed source that Twitter is currently pressing for funds at a $1 Billion valuation. It is also said that the micro-blogging giant plans to raise about $50 million in the coming financial round, adding up to approximately $55 million to date. Read More
BizBox's Anonymous Banker explains why, a year after the financial crisis began in earnest, small business owners still have much to fear. Read More
The majority of small businesses realize the importance of having a solid Web presence that leaves a positive and lasting impression on customers. Many fear, though, that a professionally designed Web site will cost more than what's in the budget. After all, it's easy to look around and find lots of companies that have beautiful Web sites that cam Read More
I know this is not small business related but most of us here are small business owners and I think this list will inspire each and every one of us a lot. Read More
A great recent article from The Economist looks at the return of the big business model and the ecosystem between larger and smaller businesses. The thrust of the article, perhaps surprisingly, is that the most successful economies contain a mix of big and smaller businesses working side by side. In recent years, the article argues, an increasing Read More
The unemployed start small businesses with state funding. This story from msmbc looks at a handful of U.S. states managing an obscure program that seeks to turn unemployed people into entrepreneurs while they are allowed to continue collecting benefits. For the most part, the U.S., at least in some states, is somewhat unfriendly to unemployed peop Read More
A cri de couer on behalf of the small business owner. Read More
The older generations are often stereotyped as inadequate in online social networking. Great Grandmother, Ivy Bean from Britain is here to prove people wrong. She is also celebrating her 104th birthday in style today (8th September). She has only started using the Internet after arriving at Bradford care home 2 years ago. While some are resortin Read More
Columnist Jim Blasingame writes these thoughts about small business at as another Labor Day comes and goes here in the U.S. Why no celebration for entrepreneurs who have done so much for the economy, especially those who operate the nation's small business. Some numbers here from Jim. Small businesses, as it happens, represen Read More
Facebook seems to be posing a big problem at work. According to BBC, a council found out that staff was spending an average of 400 hours on it every month. This figure definitely did not please the council and a ban of Facebook from its computers will be put in place soon. Read More

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