Banks and other lenders all have their own methods of reaching a business loan decision. However they all use a version of the so-called 5 C’s of credit: Capacity, Capital, Conditions, Collateral and Character.

We look at each in turn.... Read More
If you are not already aware, let me tell you what flipping is all about. Flipping is basically buying something at a low price and then selling it at a higher price; after improving its overall quality at a higher price. So you may have now got the basic idea behind making money by flipping websit Read More
Crowdfunding platforms are paving the way for entrepreneurs with ideas who are looking to raise funds for their project. Here are 10 crowdfunding sites. Read More
Danny Kelman of Firstly in our mind crowdfunding and social networking couldn’t be further apart, one of the main differentiators we have seen from people raising the money they are looking for and failing isn’t based on the merit of the idea but their own networks. People have f Read More
A large source of scepticism towards equity crowdfunding originates from the idea of “dumb” versus “smart” money. To mitigate these concerns, startups and innovators should seek crowdfunding mentors to help design, execute, and follow-up their big campaign. Such an individual may be found through a Read More
More and more crowdfunding platforms are turning to Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the first decentralized peer-to-peer payment network with no central authority, though this does not mean the system lacks security or control. Due to the fact there is no central authority, it also means lower transaction fees Read More
Credit cards are likely the most popular and easiest form of business credit available to small business owners. Unfortunately most people, including myself, are nervous to encourage credit card use because the stories we hear (or maybe even witness) most often are the horror stories. We’ve all rea Read More
Emerging from the great recession are new providers of capital for the small business and middle market borrowers driven by investors from all walks of life seeking higher returns.
Learn about how the small business lending landscape has changed and some of the new loan resources. Read More
PIPEs, a little known, complex financial vehicle, enable publicly traded companies to sell stock to accredited investors at discounted prices. Read More
While collateral can put a stop to an application for a traditional loan, there are other products out there that don't require it in order to provide a business with capital. Read More

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