If you are an entrepreneur or small business owner who does not have good personal credit but you need a small business loan of some kind to start, build, or grow your business then there’s good and bad news for you. Read More
Crowdfunding success stories have an intoxicating effect: They show the glamor of a strong project, without exposing the hardships endured along the way. While most successful campaigns include the same components, they do not form a recipe for guaranteed success. Read More
It’s tough raising outside capital for your startup. Often entrepreneurs who have gone down this route compare it to having a full-time job. But it doesn't have to be this way. The trick is timing. Read More
Let’s be honest about cash-flow for your business. It’s not always something to brag about. We all hear people say cash-flow is king [and it is]. After all, without it you basically have a hobby rather than a business. Or if you have cash-flow but it’s not good then that probably means your exp Read More
Yes, I’ve read them. The stories are everywhere. The economy is struggling and so are small businesses. Perhaps The Great Recession is over but the economy is soft to say the least. Bank loans are tough to come by. Non-bank finance lending is way down – actually they are at their lowest levels Read More
Unbeknownst to you, and for almost a decade in some cases, the banks have been playing a little game behind the scenes. It just so happens that the game that’s being played is with your money. Read More
What else am I (cautiously) optimistic about? Small business lending is slowly beginning to come back. About 15 months ago we heard from Bank of America that they planned to hire 1000 people primarily dedicated to the small business sector by 2012. Read More
Much has been said over the years about the 5 C’s of lending. In fact, in some circles the talk is about the 4 C’s of lending, and yet others, including Wikipedia, refer to them as the 6 C’s of lending. But regardless of how they are categorized, let’s discuss what they are and how they apply to s Read More
What exactly is a Zidisha Loan? This is a peer to peer loan meaning it’s given by your fellow peers in businesses who understand the challenges of starting and funding a business. This is an online based loan platform that gives people who want to lend money at a small fee meet with borrowers who w Read More
We’ve been hearing about increased confidence in small business and, if you’re like me, you want to believe it - but you’re suspicious, too. How do we really know if things are getting better? How do we really know if lending is beginning to open up for small businesses? Read More

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