Discover your current and/or potential customers by looking internally and at the competition. Who would be interested in your product/service/invention? What similar items are on the market and who’s purchasing them? On the flip side, what markets have the competitors possibly overlooked? Read More
In the world of entrepreneurship, raising venture capital money is often looked at as a success in and of itself. It’s the glitziest form of investment that gets the most attention and most play in the press because many VCs have become mini celebrities and the dollar amounts invested can be quite Read More
Launching a business also means learning how to take a loan. But how do most small business owners take a loan? Here is how most loans look like. Read More
Building business credit is both highly misunderstood and becoming more and more important all the time for business owners. Read More
While female and minority entrepreneurs can face tougher times applying for small business capital, there are still steps that they can take in order to streamline their processes when they do apply,as well as more options available to them then they may realize. Read More
Worried about raising some money for your business if you are business woman or woman entrepreneur? You don't need to worry. With these loans that are created especially for that market, having a loan is not that hard anymore. Read More
Your business plan is all ready to go and now you just need funding. You want to submit a bank loan application to get the money you need, but you should first exhaust other financing options. Read More
For rewards-based crowdfunding, people often think of the process as solo or partnered. Although many crowdfunders do succeed baring the weight of the campaign alone, a strong project management team is always an asset. According to IndieGoGo, team-based campaigns raise 80% more funds! This princip Read More
Tom Haarlander is no stranger to raising capital. He started his first company while in college and sold it before graduating. He's raised capital from numerous sources and shares some secretes to his early success. Read More
Equity crowdfunding platforms encounter several challenges. The SEC knows this better than most, but there are more than just regulations standing in the way of this industry. While investors and project creators must tread carefully when raising capital, the many portals online face several obstac Read More

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