I mentioned this article to someone recently who was surprised at the limited number of debt options for startup companies. I asked her to do some research and encouraged her to come on and comment on the story if she has some other suggestions. It’s not that we’re discussing the “only” debt opti Read More
There’s good and bad news to share about startup financing for a small business. Keep in mind, we are only looking at debt options so think of loans and lines of credit that you pay back to a lender. We are not looking at any equity solutions such as angel investors, venture capital, etc. The go Read More
According to the SBA, 90% of our nations small businesses are family owned. Of course, “family owned” does not always mean it’s a husband & wife team but many of them are as referenced here. We all know that small business owners need capital today as bad or worse than ever. We’re not here to co Read More
These are the five biggest mistakes we’ve seen since the onset of the credit crisis in 2008:
1. Using Personal Credit Cards for Your Business
2. Using Borrowed Funds the Wrong Way
3. Pledging Excessive Collateral With Your First Loan or Line of Credit
4. Doing Your Own Research and Getting It W Read More
Some entrepreneurs think that the only goal of borrowing is to get approved or just to have some form of financing they can use. But it’s bigger than that. It’s actually common for businesses to grow and then to need additional capital to propel themselves to the next level. Read More
It’s no secret that capitalizing your startup business can greatly contribute to its long-term success. However, did you know that even the smallest amounts of financing can take your startup business to the next level in a big way? That’s right, small loans can generate big returns for your startu Read More
We all say that Cash Flow is King for small businesses. Well, according to the National Federation of Independent Business, 45% of small-business owners say their most significant problem of getting paid is slow or late payments. Read More
Indiegogo plans to roll-out a few interesting developments first quarter 2014. As announced in a recent press release, the crowdfunding giant will offer campaigns a unique opportunity to customize their crowdfunding pages not just on the portal’s website, but their own as well. Indiegogo Outpost wi Read More
Some portals prohibit simultaneous crowdfunding — the act of running two or more campaigns at the same time — while others specify no such restrictions. Many project creators view this discrepancy curiously, wondering whether or not simultaneous crowdfunding could work. Not to disregard the reasons Read More
Business Funding Checklist: Not every entrepreneur qualifies for funding. Don't shoot yourself in the foot by seeking funding before you get the basics in place. Read More

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