Most crowdfunding portals outline the basic steps for success, yet even when followed, many projects never find their way onto the website’s featured page. Although some websites like Indiegogo have kindly explained the algorithm used for project placement, a lot of portals’ internal algorithms are Read More
Traditionally, an entrepreneur would present directly to a group of VCs about an investment opportunity in his or her startup. Although there are now other ways to entice investors, campaigners should still borrow elements from this presentation style and adapt them into video format. Read More
Do not let your eagerness get the best of you. Although financials have a vital role in moving any idea or product forward, there are a few things one must ask him- or herself before launching a crowdfunding campaign, ensuring absolute readiness and security. The following set of questions, known a Read More
Trolling the web for crowdfunding tips could yield myriad results, many of which are overdone, inapplicable, or even down-right wrong. The following advice is a compilation of the best — these are the fundamental crowdfunding tips to keep in mind. To avoid redundancy, we’ve kept things brief and to Read More
If you’re thinking about seeking investment for your business, you should watch enough Shark Tank episodes to understand these five key concepts. Read More
Check out this article on the Franchise Biz Directory blog on Crowdfunding: An Infographic From Intuit. Great infographic and a great definition of crowdfunding. Read More
Crowdfunding may pressure investors through increased competition. VCs typically focus on certain industries, so the effects will be minimal as most relevant start-ups prefer funding from a VC over a crowdfunding site — at least for the time being. This is especially true for the big-idea projects Read More
Before launching a campaign, you must first identify your reasons for creating the project. Discovering this primary purpose will help you know where to look when it comes to choosing a crowdfunding platform. Read More
They types of businesses that one thinks of when they think "small business" are largely cut off from credit that they once had no trouble accessing. If you want to know why, look no further than this succinct explanation. Read More
Equity- and rewards-based crowdfunding have taken the spotlight, but this is not to say donation-based crowdfunding has ceased to be a viable solution for non-profits online. In fact, crowdfunding may actually boost a non-profit’s revenue options and expand its social reach. Read More

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