Do you know you can actually realise that your dream of being a business owner?
Have you ever heard that pension funds could help you achieve this dream?
Find out how this could be done successfully. Read More
No one ever said owning a business was glamorous. But there are plenty of dirty jobs out there that need to be done. The willingness to get involved in “down and dirty” businesses that address real customer needs can be a profitable formula for success.

BusinessNewsDaily interviewed five busines Read More
Lori is back in episode two of "Startup Revealed." Check out how she has gone about bootstrapping her startup-- from cleaning out her closet to renting her lNYC apartment! Read More
Today, small business loans - especially bank loans - are harder to come by. What are the reasons and what are the alternatives? Read More
This is a swell way to raise seed capital. Apply to As Seen on TV's new crowdfunding platform. If you are able to raise money, the company may put you on television! Booyeah! Read More
After working diligently on your business plan and targeting potential investors, you’ve managed to snag some much-needed capital. Good work. Now what? Read More
With a multitude of options available to finance a small business, due diligence must be done in educating yourself as to which is the right option for your business. Read More
Be prepared when pitching your startup company to a venture capitalist by anticipating the questions you will receive. Failure to have thoughtful and reasonable answers will decrease the likelihood of your company getting funded. Read More
While rookie entrepreneurs believe that they can't take a step forward until some kind stranger delivers the full sum listed in their business plans, savvy entrepreneurs are always moving their projects ahead. One of the reasons they can do this is because they approach funding differently. They br Read More
You just landed an investor for your company. Applaud yourself. So many people struggle searching for someone, sometimes anyone, to believe in them and their dream enough to help finance it. And you did it. Whether your pitch was flawless, the business plan was impeccable or the investor believ Read More

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