Taking your small local business to the masses by using internet marketing. Beneficial ways to grow your brand to a larger audience would be by adding the social networking platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Twitter. By using internet marketing for your small business it gives one th... Read More
On the different Social Media Platforms you may want to share different information depending on your target markets. Sharing others content is real important too....another added bonus is to use your content over again post it a few times a week. Read More
When wine lovers are asked to do a blind test, result shows that the $10 wine from America they’d normally ignore actually tastes better than a $150 Dom Pérignon. So why people still going after that overpriced bottle? Simple. Society makes it look good, it must therefore taste good. Read More
These are slides from the Focus Interactive All Things Small and Medium Business that includes the slide deck and link to the recording. The security points, trends and tips are also conveyed through some funny pictures from awkwardfamilyphotos.com in the presentation and slide deck. Read More
We've all encountered a stereotypical slimy salesperson and been left feeling creeped out. So what if you want to sell without using these under-handed, high-pressure tactics? This post gives you some concrete dos and don'ts to writing copy that sells without compromising your integrity. Read More
As with most things that matter in business today, revenue considerations are compelling. The bulk of all commerce (over 80%) still happens at the brick-and-mortar level, and will for some time. A low percentage increase in conversions in-store is much more compelling than a higher increase in conv Read More
The more I see the quality of SEO Infographics that pop up on the web almost weekly, the more impressed I am with the quality of same as I read and peruse and learn from same.

Oh sure, I know and so do you, that SEO rankings come from a host of factors and that IBLs, inbound backlinks play a ma Read More
Google's new functionality is called to help the end user "quickly compare results", "pinpoint relevant content" and improve user interaction "with the results page"

Wondering how Google Instant Previews may impact your online marketing? Read these 7 commentaries. Read More
Hector Cuevas gives us his 5 top blogging tips in an awesome interview with Dwayne Huggins. Come check it out. Read More
Hint: "Perishable" applies to what each one nurtures. Click to learn more, and access a related feature article. Read More

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