What happens these days when we get stuck in traffic, the airline loses our luggage, or the copier at work is jammed? Tweet about it, of course. Or blog. Or Facebook. Sure, we’ve all done it. Even on our business profiles. But complaining on social media can hurt your personal and/or business brand Read More
After you have successfully attracted angels or venture capital with your business case, your million dollar product idea, and you have a signed term sheet, there is still one more hurdle to overcome before investors write the check. This is the dreaded “due diligence” process.

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A good SEO can be good at many things... even GREAT at some! But, should you expect your SEO to be an expert at ALL aspects of SEO? Are your expectations too high? They just might be. Read on and find out... Read More
This is a great blog for entrepreneurs and new business start-ups to support you in streamlining your business operations, and by understanding what web applications are available in the market-place. Read More
When it comes to the job hunt, few things are more important than the interview. You want your interview show the prospective employer that you are the person for the job. Are you prepared so that your interview will accomplish what you want it to? Read More
The third post (about landing the first sponsor, and seeking out sponsors) in a new series on David Siteman Garland's adventures in business and entrepreneurship. Read More
The price companies pay by not investing in the leadership development of their frontline leaders is exorbitant. Because matching people with jobs they love and creating a work environment where employees thrive is priceless. Read More
Is there really a difference between a free blog and paid blog hosting? Which is usually followed by another, more vital question: Which one is the right and better option?

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A lot of businesses still rely on a variety of print advertising to promote products and services. Brochures, magazine ads and flyers are all great ways to provide potential customers with a physical and visual way to engage with your business. However most print advertising will simply list the bus Read More
As someone who has been wanting to see “The Social Network”, I was sceptical that it was going to be able to live up to it’s 97% rating on Rotten Tomatoes – the bar seemed way too high. Also, I wasn't convinced that Aaron Sorkin, with his rapid fire, wisecracky, yet somewhat unrealistic dialogue, Read More

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