The best way to build your personal brand and open doors of opportunity is to write a nonfiction book. Here are links to 7 articles I wrote to help business owners like you identify your goals and select the right topic for their book. Ask me your publishing questions! Read More
When we are talking about internet marketing for local businesses, there are a few facts you need to get right. If you don't want to learn quite a few things related to internet marketing for local businesses the hard way, then you want to read the following reliable reading material. If you go wro Read More
If you're thinking about becoming your own boss, in this case, a franchise business owner, have you considered investigating the "service area" of franchising? Do you know what types of franchise businesses are included in the service category? Do you know that a lot of them are pretty low investmen Read More
Offering value in a recession is more about time frames than about brands and prestige. As people learn from recessions to cut corners and save on fun, you should learn how to meet that need. JC Hewitt explains how. Read More
Cool, grab this free report, it will teach you how to create compelling content that ranks well in search engines, and yes it’s free, you don’t even have to register, subscribe or anything from that, so go a head and get your copy now, and enjoy your new SEO adventures. Read More
These six entrepreneurs offer some inspiration for taking your passion and turning it into a business. Interesting people with interesting startups. Read More
If your efforts to develop a steady stream of high-paying clients have been unsuccessful so far, it doesn’t mean you should quit trying. But it does mean you need to change something about the way you’re selling your services.

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Google Apps users got a step closer to full Google-personhood this week, as the company sent invitations to select users to test out a version of Google Apps that includes all the features regular Google users get, including AdWords and Google Voice.Google Apps lets businesses and anyone who owns a Read More
I have 10 domain names registered but do not know which one to choose. Do I pick the domain name that's the easiest to remember, the easiest to spell, the one that might be the best for SEO, or???

If you don't have a strong "gut" inclination about which domain name to use, Scott Fox recommends Read More
Radio Guests: If you are a podcaster, or a small market radio station or local TV show, you'd probably like to know how to get better guests and experts and authors to interview on your program. helps you find better guests for your radio, TV, or podcast talk shows.

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