Earth Day 2010. A day to get outside, and enjoy the air. Is there a place you can go to see a body of water? Can you take a half hour to slow down a little, and enjoy the outdoors?... Read More
This post explains how critical it is to have a unique selling proposition (USP) for your business that stands for something. Read More
Interview with Shama Kabani founder of The Marketing Zen Group and author of The Zen Of Social Media Marketing. Shama discusses how to deal with negative reviews and why social media marketing comes last. Read More
Online video marketing is one of the best ways to get targeted website traffic. Discover three internet video advertising that generate video traffic. Read More
Be on the look out for a business sponsor in a company to help you sell. The business sponsor will typically have wins that they can receive if your product or service is used by their company. Read More
Where are you "headed"?

A couple of years ago, I had this “Sales Taxi” idea pop into my head. It carries a double-meaning... Read More
Everyone wants to keep their clients, especially their key accounts. But not everyone deserves to keep his or her key accounts. Do you want to create loyal clients? Ask yourself these questions (no lie, this is going to sting a little . . . maybe more than a little). Read More
Now every time you click you 'LIKE' something: e.g. a movie, book, music, a news story or an FB Page - this data is added to the general social search engine that is Facebook and this updates your permanent Facebook profile at the same time. Read More
Brands and businesses of every sort are jumping all over social media, starting Facebook pages, Twitter accounts and blogs. Restaurants are experimenting with guerilla videos, Foursquare is blowing up, Groupon is worth over a billion dollars leveraging the group buying power inherent on the web. Read More
Occasionally, I’ll read an article suggesting that small businesses aren’t seeing the value of social media, the evidence most often cited being a lack of direct sales for some business owners. And each time I want to ask, what were their initial strategies for using social media? What about the other benefits they might see? Read More

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