Instead of trying to take on the whole world at once, consider unitasking. Focus completely and solely on one goal, achieve it, and move on to the next goal. You will see an increase in your achievements and a higher quality result as well. Read More
Wowzza touts that you are about to become a Social Networking Superstar. The truth is that many who join Wowzza are excited to have another place to market their opportunities rather than take advantage of what the site has to offer. Read More
The next five people to email me get the MBTI Step II, Form Q for half price! Read More
A revolution in Marketing: After several years of low-key alpha testing and on and off again rumors of launch, it appears that Google Print Local will finally go live as a public beta in the next few weeks. Read More
If you are considering home mortgage refinancing, there are many things you need to keep in mind. Refinancing mortgage scams are widespread these days, and finding a reputable lender is as important as the lower interest rates you are trying to secure. Here is some basic information on how to recognize a trustworthy lender. Read More
You'd think that the ubiquitous Starbucks coffee chain would have been the death knell for the Bean Bag, a mom-and-pop coffee shop in Bethesda. If anything, Starbucks put more kick in the caffeine purveyor, which is celebrating its 30th year in business.

"It's the best thing that happened to us," said owner Mitchell Wool, whose parents fou Read More
VISA opened up an IPO yesterday and raised nearly $18 Billion, in the largest IPO in history. Read More
A FREE e-book boasting advice to grow your small business. Read More
Short version: a chief marketing technologist (CMT) is the person responsible for leading an organization's marketing technology. A CMT is to the CMO what, in IT-centric firms, the CTO has been to the CIO. Read More
A great post by Dan Schwabel of Personal Branding, sharing his presentation on personal branding to college students. Read More

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