Calling yourself the chief cook and bottle-washer might sound funny, but is not a professional way of presenting your business. A CEO title, on the other hand, implies that you take your business seriously.
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How many of us have gone to work and pledged to be more productive today than yesterday? Yet somehow, it always ends up the same – the end of the day rolls around and the task list is still overflowing. Why are we so unproductive?  Read More
We’ve all been there — trapped on the never ending phone call that is going to throw off our schedule for the rest of the day, if not an entire week. But it is possible to manage your phone calls in such a way that you don’t go crazy, just as you might manage your email inbox or your in-person appo Read More
Any entrepreneur can create a blog within a short period of time. That is why millions of new blogs appear on the internet day by day. But which of them are really successful – 10% or just 1%? Read More
Time management might well be the most important aspect of any working day. There are so many reasons why your plan can be knocked off track and yet it must be seen as a mistake. Let's look at the four D's and how they can improve time management:
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Conferences can be a pricey proposition, requiring you to pay for a ticket, travel, a hotel room and meals out. Luckily, there are approaches that can help you keep costs under control, while still getting the most of actually being at a conference. Here are seven such money saving tips.
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Considering the volatility of the business world today, here is why risk-taking entrepreneurs should manage their risks in pursuing business opportunities. Read More
An entrepreneur has to take into consideration the fact that any business direction is not standing still. It constantly develops and changes in order to survive under the conditions of business competition. Read More
Influence and persuasion expert, Karen Keller, Ph.D, explains what women need to be aware of when designing their capacity to become influential. Women are no longer waiting for it to happen. They are challenging the status quo embarking on a new avenue of where to cultivate their innate influence Read More
Small business ownership is not for everyone. Still, many people jump into small business without giving much thought to what is required to succeed. This post discusses 5 traits every successful small business owner needs to be a small business owner. Read More

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