Craigslist is world's number one Classifieds website. However, it's business model is too simple for anyone to believe. Know how craigslist makes money and what's there for future. Read More
Jaime Slutzky is a WordPress website developer and the owner of Virtual Summit TECH where she and her team produce multi-part online events.

Read on to see how this mom boss started out on her entrepreneurial journey and how it evolved into helping others solve their tech challenges. Read More
This week, John Stevens at gives us 4 psychological hacks (backed with data) that can be used to increase conversions for your brand. He talks about the Jam experiment, introduces us to the Oprah effect, and much more. Give it a read and share if you liked it. Read More
I convinced my husband to join me at Ulta the other day as I shopped for lipsticks. As I dragged him down the aisles, he took in all the serums, tubes, jars and brushes and was simply amazed that women bought all this stuff, and what’s more, that we spend quite a bit of money buying this stuff. His Read More
We spoke with Gavin Lapidus, Founder of luxury travel agent eShores for Mi Business Mag, about what he’s learned in a decade of running an independent business. Read More
Scarlet Paolicchi is a Nashville blogger and stay-at-home mom of two. Her award-winning blog, Family Focus Blog reports on parenting tips, family fun activities, eco tips, food, travel, decor, discounts, and giveaways. Find out how this biology major made the leap from retail management to full-tim Read More
Making that decision to go into business – to be your own boss, and have your name on your very own company – has invited all types of people to quit their jobs and follow their passions. But do you have what it takes to be successful? Read More
Does your company sell products online? If so, you should be on Google Shopping. This post will cover the basics as well as a few advanced tricks to help you master Google Shopping and Product Listing Ads (PLAs). Read More
Pedro Espinoza was 10 years old when he started his first business, so it’s no surprise that he won’t be looking for a job when he graduates with the rest of the Class of 2017.

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Amy Kinnaird is a professional speaker and business and marketing consultant. See how this mom's entrepreneurial journey began in 2008, and how her business has evolved over the years. Read More

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