If you think the landscaping business is all about sprawling suburban lawns, you haven’t met Brook Klausing. This small business owner has staked his claim in a place known more for its concrete jungle than its lush greenspaces: New York City.

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Bill Gates is one of the most brilliant people on the planet. Why? He made operating systems accessible for the public. A layman did not need to memorise code to run specific instructions. The GUI did it for you. And in that way, Microsoft revolutionised how people view Operating systems.
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Jan Koum was born in Kiev in the Ukraine, in 1976. And while it is now an important industrial, scientific, educational, and cultural centre, it wasn’t always that way. His home didn’t have running water, and the village he grew up in didn’t even have an inside bathroom… Read More
I guess you could say that I was born with the entrepreneurial bug. Since the age of six — I’ve been exploring different ways to make money. I've gone door-to-door selling arts and crafts to neighbors, hosted lemonade stands, collected salamanders and sold them to the local pet shop, as well as par Read More
For women entrepreneurs, getting pregnant and having a baby can quite interfere with running a business. These tips should help you with that. Read More
These days, it seems like we’re in meetings more than actually getting any work done. Meetings can be a time suck if you let them. It takes effort -- and tips like these -- to get meetings back on track and more productive. Read More
Small business owners Chaun Webster and Verna Wong knew their neighborhood in North Minneapolis was missing something — something they call a “third place,” a gathering space between home and work. They decided that third place could be a bookstore, and Ancestry Books was born.

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Mi Business Mag lists eight millennial entrepreneurs at the forefront of various industries from healthcare, and travel to retail and publishing. Read More
WordPress developers have their workflows and development styles. The workspaces of the developers are thus uniquely organized to reflect these workflows and quirks. Today, I am going to share the pictures of the workstations of several WordPress influencers. Read More
We are delighted to launch the website of Vayujet, an aviation startup promoting Heli Charters. Vayujet stands as an Aviation Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) company promoting Heli Charters from Madurai to tourist locations like Rameswaram, Munnar, and Kanyakumari. Read More

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