Gustav Reyes is a ring craftsman based in Chicago, Illinois. Customers from around the world seek out his rings to commemorate their most treasured moments—most commonly, weddings. But instead of using precious metals for his rings, Gus takes a different approach—an approach, he hopes, that will in Read More
I think these days we need to keep seeing stories of inspirational women in business, and even if you're not a woman there's an awful lot of truth in these statements. Especially impressive are the quotes from business owners and executives that I was unaware had a strong female presence, such as t Read More
Daehee Park and JT Marino created the direct-to-consumer mattress category in 2012 with an initial investment of $3000 each — $6000 total. Read More
Here’s an idea: Your hourly freelance fee should be twice what it is right now.

How do I know? Because most freelancers undercharge – and chances are, you are one of them.

I mean it in the nicest way possible. The fact that you are undercharging is good news. It means that Read More
There’s a big difference between successful software companies and those shoddy unverified apps you get off the app store:

Quality assurance. Read More
Earning $500 each month on eBay is extremely doable. It could be done within minutes, depending on the value of the items that you plan to sell.

Earning $500 per month on eBay could take the place of having to get a second or part-time job outside of the home. $500 is a very achievable Read More
Pinterest being the fastest growing website has a well defined business model and a growing revenue model. It earns money through the promoted pins but have many features which include ecommerce, content, social networking aspects. Read More
If you are like me, you might agree that this is it. Life. Your one chance for freedom and happiness. Many people dismiss the whole idea of freedom and happiness. It is about taking control of your life. It might sound scary at first, but it is the only way to freedom. Do you want to go from not kn Read More
You may have heard great stories of entrepreneurs who succeeded walking the difficult paths and you may have also heard stories of leaders who earned their leadership sauntering on easy paths. But did you hear anything about “How did they do it?” How did things happen to them? No…

Here is the Ma Read More
This solopreneur has built a rich resource for anyone wishing to start their own home brewery. Each time Bobby encountered a new problem or question, he would have to dig through a variety of websites, books and other sources to figure it out. Read More

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