Since adopting cloud for their businesses, 93% of companies saw at least one area of improvement in their IT departments while 52% reported an increase in the efficiency and utilisation of their data centres. Cloud has certainly become the default way to run applications. Read More
Have you ever considered how an App could change an entire company’s culture? Read More
Small business owners - if you are just getting started with SEO, here are a few things you can do to jumpstart your campaign. Read More
Cloud computing is the virtual office where these days business is done. The number of web-enabled devices you can use is growing so now you can easily access a data base from anywhere, anytime in safe environment. Innovative changes are being constantly made which enables users with greater possib Read More
Technology has shaped the world from time immemorial. But never before has technology itself evolved and changed so rapidly with such major impact. Consider this; IDC estimates the installed base of the Internet of Things will reach approximately 212 billion in 2020. This will include 30 billion “c Read More
2014 was definitely a trend-setter with organizations swiftly moving towards cloud environments, creating an on-premise and on-cloud assets ecosystem. Enterprises increasingly leveraged hybrid environments to improve IT infrastructure efficiencies and increase ROI. Cloud adoption in the SMB sector Read More
Business communication is no longer a one-way traffic. In the increasingly social and mobile tech landscape that we live and operate in, employees and teams expect the same levels of social media integration when it comes to business communication and employee engagement. Employees, today, want to Read More
Big Data Analytics is the process of measuring a  large number of data sets containing large and different types of data.  This big data analytical process is being helpful in knowing various  market trends, customer’s preferences and many other business related information. Read More
Getting a mobile application developed is common place these days with a wide range of options available. One of the key issues facing app developers and businesses around the globe right now is user engagement; essentially, how to get users to not just download your app, but getting them to use it Read More
There are many things that Process Street, our process management platform, can be used for including on boarding new clients or launching a website. But an interesting use case that has cropped up recently is using Process Street for managing podcast releases.

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