Why is China so interested in Israel's hi-tech scene? Here's a great collection of insights from Carmel Ventures' General Partner Ori Bendori Read More
Over the course of running a business, you’ll likely create a huge list of contacts. Keeping those contacts organized and updated can make a huge difference in the success of your business relationships. This week, Nimble announced a new app that aims to help businesses do just that.
This week’s n Read More
Google’s Guide for Technical Development provides tips on how to become a successful software engineer.Many people ask what they should do to become a great programmer, and here Google’s Guide for Technical Development can help. Read More
Many big retailers now appoint big analytics to get a fruitful result from their Retail business. To get the most effective result from Big Data Analytics the Retailers merges the structured data with the semi structured data. Read More
The EMV liability shift deadline is quickly approaching. Learn what it means for your business and how to ensure you are prepared. Read More
Amazon recently announced it will be closing its ecommerce platform: Amazon Webstore. Existing users have been given until July 2016 to close up their shops and find somewhere else to go. That’s sent countless Amazon sellers into a panic wondering what to do next.

I had an occasion to talk with Read More
Yes, it is possible to never use any paper in your office. Stop using your fax machine, copier, and other paper-hungry equipment, and embrace the cloud. Read More
An evaluation of what causes data loss and what it can mean for companies, big and small, as well as how to mitigate it with Backup as a Service (BaaS). Read More
Productivity tools make or break an entrepreneur’s productivity level. One way or another, the right tools with the right planning will help you get more job done in a shorter time span. And when you have more time in your hands, you can achieve more tasks than what’s expected. Juggling so many ... Read More
I've been doing research for months to find the best web host. I've finally found it - the fastest, cheapest, best support and most secure web host. Read More

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