There are lots of kids’ toys that are also meant to teach.
Puzzles can teach children about shapes. Blocks often include letters, colors or animals. There are even plenty of tablet and smartphone apps aimed at teaching kids everything from reading to motor skills.
But now there’s another option t Read More
Business regulators in Europe believe that Google is violating antitrust rules there by forcing its Shopping results on users. Here’s a deeper look at the Google antitrust case and why EU regulators decided to act.
In April, the European Competition Commission filed antitrust charges against Googl Read More
Is your retail store suffering from your belief in common retail myths? InReality’s first “Reality of Retail Report” debunks some common beliefs about the state of brick-and-mortar retail. Here’s a closer look at fact versus fiction. Read More
A survey unveils what hotel management software features users find most useful and the areas where they see the biggest improvement. Original research by Software Advice. Read More
Big Data Analytics is the process of measuring a large number of data sets containing large and different types of data. This big data analytical process is being helpful in knowing various market trends, customer’s preferences and many other business related information. Read More
Is your business software system preventing a headache or giving you one? Check out the top 10 signs you need better software. Read More
The enterprise these days is changing rapidly. The intersection of cloud, mobility, social networking and the Internet, what analyst firm Gartner calls the, “Nexus of Forces” is making most medium and large enterprises reconsider their enterprise mobile strategies. Employees are bringing their own Read More
IT help desk is progressing quickly and the report also share three workforce trends that are distracting the IT help desk.
BYOD continues to raise concerns for IT support professionals in the same vein as mobility. These days enterprise users not only want the option to work from anywhere, but th Read More
MicroBiz allows small retailers to run their site from a cloud-based application: multi-store and channel inventory management and all the backend ERP features to allow smooth operation across multiple stores. MicroBiz is Windows-based POS/retail management software, which is installed on PC and pu Read More
In spite of the large developments in the economic sector the Brick-and-Mortar store are still at the top most level in the retail scenario. Retailers in the today’s world also seems to be in a big dilemma when it comes to the areas of managing the in store scenario. Read More

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