Business technology is constantly evolving. There are new smartphones, software products and other tools being released on a daily basis. And some of them have the ability to make a big impact on the business world.
Topping the list this week are a new mobile payments system from Infusionsoft and Read More
Whatever your industry, there is always an opportunity to be in the Google News section of Google SERPs. This might not be quite as likely if your competition is CNN or Forbes, but for many small businesses being featured in the news section is a great way to earn extra visibility for your website. Read More
An organization’s mobile strategy often includes mobile app testing before and also after the launch. However, the degree to which mobile testing is carried out often reflects whether the app is successful or not in the apps market. Take it for sure that those organizations which do not go in for m Read More
There are number of beautiful starter themes which will cut down a lot of workload while creating your theme, why do you need to create something from scratch when there are number of amazing models in place with all the required files in place. Read More
Apple’s iPhone, it’s an amazing little device isn’t it? You pretty much have the entire world at your fingertips, and if you’re a business owner, there’s no denying it’s one of the best tools to have at your side. The iPhone can help you handle your day to day business operations with ease. There’s Read More
You have Internet connection at your house. And you have a WiFi router as well. So, you can easily expect to get the best WiFi connection in all parts of your house.
But, unfortunately, you are not getting it. The WiFi signal is pretty poor.
So, you might need to rethink your WiFi usage process c Read More
AT&T’s choice to charge customers for their online privacy threatens to cause a paradigm shift in privacy policy that could very quickly lead down a slippery slope. AT&T’s U-Verse Internet service “GigaPower” was released last year in Austin, Texas and just recently became available in Kansas City, Read More
What are the four most popular search terms related to Easter? Find out what people are Googling for in this Tek Shouts! article. Read More
According to studies by BIA Kelsey and Google, 97% of consumers go online to research products locally and 90% of consumers use search engines to conduct research on local businesses. This means that potential customers are finding your local business website through various online searches. It’s Read More
Many small business owners greet a technology upgrade with the same enthusiasm as they do preventative maintenance on a car. Sure, it’s the right thing to do in the long term, but when everything seems to be running just fine it’s hard to look past the potential disruption involved—and the concern Read More

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