Getting paid is an absolutely essential part of running a small business. But the ways in which businesses can accept payments are constantly changing due to new technology. Most recently, Square announced a new program called $Cashtags, an expansion of its Square Cash app. Another new option comes Read More
As we all know Money is the biggest motivation for any kind of work. If you’re making money from anything you will keep on doing that thing but if not, slowly you will lose interest unless that work is not your passion. The same applies to blogging also. Read More
a list of best WordPress plugins for testimonials including free and premium both which you can display on sidebar, footer or within the page and post. I’m sure these WordPress plugins will help you to take your business to the next level. Read More
Whether you're a gaming addict or glued to your phone, don't let bad habits take over your life. Follow these tips and you can end your digital-dependence. Read More
Google actually created a guide that outlines all of the most common mistakes that they find Webmasters make when they try and get their websites mobile-friendly. Here are the top 7 mistakes straight from the horse’s mouth along with links that take you to a full report for each specific point. Read More
What to expect in the world of Unified Communications (UC) in the upcoming months? Here are the trends in UC for 2015 and beyond. Read More
Predicting web design trends is critical for any digital marketing professional. Some people dismiss it as a waste of time, claiming that focusing too much on others distracts from your own work. However, if you don’t know how the industry is changing, you’ll never evolve. Read More
Here are few guides of How to Enable Accessibility, I hope you will learn better and find great resources. Read More
A new deal struck between business book broker 800-CEO-READ and e-book merchant Page Foundry is going to allow small businesses to not only buy more literature but share it, too.
It sounds old-fashioned but a lot of small business owners still use books – those bound things with lots of printed pa Read More
Cloud technologies can help you streamline your business accounting department. What can cloud accounting help your business with? Read More

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