Don't have anywhere to go on Spring break? Don't worry! Google Street View has you covered with a variety of tropical spots for you to virtually visit. Check it out in this Tek Shouts! article. Read More
For those who are unfamiliar, infinite scroll is a way to display your content that allows your readers to keep scrolling and never stop. In other words, you content is updated and loaded immediately producing an infinite amount of results. Here we’ll walk through the pros and cons of infinite scro Read More
For those who are unfamiliar, infinite scroll is a way to display your content that allows your readers to keep scrolling and never stop. In other words, you content is updated and loaded immediately producing an infinite amount of results. Here we’ll walk through the pros and cons of infinite scro Read More
In recent years a number of leading financial institutions have incorporated cloud into their IT strategies, recognizing the advantages on offer. Read More
1234. 123456. qwerty. Password. Are any of these your passwords? If so, you’ve unfortunately got one of the worst passwords of 2014. Are you also one of the 55 percent that use the same password for almost every website you visit? If you are then you need to make a change urgently otherwise you ar Read More
The struggle to guarantee information security constructs the foundation of cryptography in key management. Cryptography, indisputably, is the most constructive solution that the Payment Card Industry has against increasingly sophisticated and complicated security hacks.
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Going beyond the concept of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), the future is all about Bring Your Own Identity (BYOI). With BYOI, employees are allowed to use their social identities to access applications, networks, systems, and devices. Gartner predicts that 50% of new retail customer identities will Read More
With a selfie, you don’t have to meet any criteria; whether you are teenager or a grandma you can take that selfie. But the question is what comprises a perfect selfie? It is not rocket science but it sure does have some antics to get that amazing selfie. Here is a perfect and most basic anatomy of Read More
According to latest infographic release by GO Globe, mobile devices account for 49% of total time spent on consuming digital media. Mobile apps account for 47% of total internet traffic whereas mobile browsers account for 8% of the total digital media consumption traffic. The amount of time spent o Read More
Over the last couple of months newsweaver has conducted a lot of great industry research, we have got feedback from over 1,000 internal communicators plus some of the best thought leaders in the industry. We have pulled together some of the key findings into an infographic to help put a shape on wh Read More

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