Gamification 2.0 might sound like the latest buzzword in a long line of Internet trends that has gained widespread use, particularly in the technology and enterprise industries. Properly implemented, Gamification 2.0 can help your company cut through the clutter and increase productivity. Read More
Do your site have doorway pages? Save your site from Google penalties. DoorWay Pages SEO Penalty : Return of Google Panda Read More
If Cerevo’s new product, Hackey, catches on, you might never be able to start a sentence with: “I can’t just flip a switch. . .”
The Japanese company Cerevo used the SXSW festival this week to debut Hackey. Right now, the uses for the device seem limitless.
Hackey is a palm-sized, free standing l Read More
Back on March 1, HTC announced the new HTC One M9. Now today, March 18, a tweet from the president of HTC Americas, Jason Mackenzie, promises big news for the company’s new flagship smartphone.
So what is this big news?
It’s the UH OH Protection plan. This new protection plan will cover more than Read More
Paperwork is the bane of the modern office. Today, Adobe says 7 in 10 employees would seek other employment just to be rid of it.
What’s more, the company says its data shows 83 percent of workers believe antiquated paperwork and the processes behind it are slowing them down at work.
Adobe hopes Read More
Alcatel has just introduced a mid-range phablet that would normally get anyone’s attention on its own.
But the OneTouch Hero 2+ is making waves because it’s another device loaded with the open-source Android operating system known a Cyanogen.
This will be the third smartphone released that’s stoc Read More
Breadcrumbs are extreamly important part of any website, it provides your users an easy option to know their current location in the site. Read More
Many seven-year-old boys dream of becoming superheroes. That dream came pretty close to reality recently for Alex, a boy who was born with a partially developed arm. Read More
Before you write your business plan, you should spend some time experimenting with your business idea and gathering your core assumptions onto a one page business pitch.

That’s why we created our one page business pitch template.

Read More
This infographic, published by Best Web hosting Now, can help you decide which web hosting solution that is the most suitable for your type of website. Read More

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