Cyber-security has been a topical issue of late in the wake of headline-grabbing incidents, like the Sony hack, the theft of compromising photos of celebrities from an online cloud (“celebgate”), and the revelation of a security vulnerability dubbed “heartbleed”. Unfortunately, as technology become Read More
With the explosive growth of users in social media channels such as Facebook and Twitter, not only data through content is being collected or curated but also a lot of sentiment from users – opinions, emotions and feedback. Read More
With an ITIL framework organizations can implement a well thought out end to end IT infrastructure strategies that connect departments, processes and people. Strategic connections between critical teams and departments can help streamline processes, reduce time and respond faster. Read More
A comprehensive ITIL framework can help your organization plan its IT roadmap effectively. It can make the transition or integration of newer technologies with existing ones an easy exercise without any downtime or incidents. Read More
Choose an enterprise communication app that can provide these critical security features.
Employees get dozens of enterprise communiques through the day. Hundreds of notifications across different platforms make it a Herculean task to stay on top of all messages and respond appropriately to each o Read More
A secure communication app for your business. What you need is an app that is designed for the enterprise with multiple layers of encryption that also offers the same ease of use, convenience and personalization options of any social app. Read More
As you go on posting new articles, your old blog posts tend to die and traffic slows down after sometime. Let’s check how to revive old blog posts and drive fresh traffic to keep them alive. Read More
Big business competitors don't always have to fight. For the new Google Maps update, the search engine company and Apple come together for a wonderfully functional outcome. Find out the features of the most recent Google Maps update for iPhones. Read More
The first step in creating your online presence is to build a website. Luckily, you don't need to spend thousands of dollars on this. The emergence of simple, online website builders will allow you to build a great website on the cheap. These simple do-it-yourself solutions cost a fraction of what Read More
Your data with proper tables can make your article look very professional. If you publish reference data and statistics on your site regularly, then you must have a look at these WordPress table plugins. Read More

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