A secure communication app for your business. What you need is an app that is designed for the enterprise with multiple layers of encryption that also offers the same ease of use, convenience and personalization options of any social app. Read More
As you go on posting new articles, your old blog posts tend to die and traffic slows down after sometime. Let’s check how to revive old blog posts and drive fresh traffic to keep them alive. Read More
Big business competitors don't always have to fight. For the new Google Maps update, the search engine company and Apple come together for a wonderfully functional outcome. Find out the features of the most recent Google Maps update for iPhones. Read More
The first step in creating your online presence is to build a website. Luckily, you don't need to spend thousands of dollars on this. The emergence of simple, online website builders will allow you to build a great website on the cheap. These simple do-it-yourself solutions cost a fraction of what Read More
Your data with proper tables can make your article look very professional. If you publish reference data and statistics on your site regularly, then you must have a look at these WordPress table plugins. Read More
In the 14 months prior to October 2013, the U.S, alone saw 350 attacks launched at Wall Street and the financial industry. Major cyber attacks are quickly becoming a terrorist weapon, and could do serious damage to infrastructures that run governments and utilities.
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Whether you're working on a blog post or a report of any kind, keeping research tidy is important. Enter kifi. A social bookmarking tool that will allow you to easily organize your research, check others in similar niches, and even allow your bookmarks to show up in Google search results. Read More
'Big Data' is a fascinating subject. To show just how fascinating and to provide information on the topic, I obtained this info-graphic on big data and the retail industry. A 2012 Gartner report predicted that data would grow 800 percent over the ensuing five years; in addition, 80 percent of the d Read More
Happily, updating a WordPress plugin manually is a fairly straightforward process. However, the need to regularly check for updates and then update each one when an update is available is tedious and time-consuming. Read More
Recent news, spread by the web: Students in Finnish primary schools, from autumn 2016, will no longer learn cursive handwriting, instead they will learn to use keyboards, during the entire course of study. It is one of those reports that many of us, who were students in the twentieth century, find Read More

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