Running a business, in the age of automation, is essentially data dependant. Wider is the scope for data collection, better is the opportunity to make use of the data pool for business optimization purpose. This is why, the decision making processes in modern business emphasizes development of a fo Read More
DCIM tools list the total inventory of a data center’s assets – both physical and logical – and project floor location and rack heat load. Sophisticated DCIM software enables data center managers to create possible scenarios and make changes that can impact functionality and performance. Read More
Learn how to create an online flowchart with a couple of awesome web tools. These tools are free to use. Read More
Choosing your web host is an important decision. It’s the foundation of everything that makes up your website. Without a domain name and a web host, your site can’t be seen by the public and might as well not exist.

Everyone’s circumstances are different, so I can’t tell you for certain which ho Read More
Google Analytics can help you understand how customers find you. Let us walk through how to set up Google Analytics for your website. Read More
Images are very important part of any blog, because they help you to express your point in a better way and they encourages visitors to read your content. Read More
Social networks have grown by leaps and bounds, and will continue to do so in the coming years. With so much social media data to sift through, businesses have come to depend on listening platforms more heavily before drawing up any new marketing programs Read More
Here is the list of top 5 Best File managers for Android users. Install your favorite file manager from this list and make your tasks easy to do. Read More
How to find the best website hosting for your business?
Once you have registered your domain, it is time to look for a home for your future website.
Hosting is a commodity, but not all hosting companies are created equal.
It is very convenient to sign up for some cheap hosting the same time you Read More
Could Google+ be breaking up? Yes, and that's a good thing! Check out this Tek Shouts! article to learn about Google's recent staff changes and the new direction Google+ is taking. Read More

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