Recently I was doing some research about web hosting services to write an article about it, in between my research I came across CloudFlare hosting services which have different kind of features and benefits compare with traditional web hosting services. Read More
Learn how to easily search for files and document on your Google Drive account using the Gmail search bar. Read More
What's most interesting aren't the trends themselves, but the sheer magnitude of them. For instance, we all know that mobile computing is on the rise. But the proportion of people who access the Internet only through mobile devices will grow from 14 million in 2010 to 788 million by 2015. Meanwhile Read More
Your company's website might soon be effected by how many "truths" it tells as opposed its standard SEO factors. Learn about Google's new project and how it could shake up your SEO strategy. Read More
The following list is one that I’ve personally curated from people, places, and communities that are currently active on Google+. These are the essential pages that you should add to your circles in order to stay up to speed on the latest in the tech world. Read More
There are many different ways to classify data, but one classification that I hear frequently is “quantitative” versus “qualitative”. This can be a useful classification, at least in the context of determining what statistical analyses are appropriate for specific variables in the data. However, th Read More
Being a WordPress blogger I prefer to use best free social sharing WordPress plugins and recommend the same for you too. You know very well that social media plugin is very crucial to grow any kind of blog Read More
Remote Infrastructure Management (RIM) can help an organization derive more value from planned IT infrastructure investments, decrease costs, improve operational efficiencies, and provide superior service levels. Innovations in cloud technology have boosted the adoption of RIM and organizations are Read More
Learn how to check the BIOS version in three easy ways without havig the need to reboot your computer or laptop. Read More
Recently, we saw a few announcements from Google that will affect small businesses over the next year. It’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest new features and options coming out, so check out what’s new at Google. Read More

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