I managed to work and travel around the world for 3 years with these 22 basic but essential things in my backpack. I hope the list will help you once you make the bold decision to set off on the road and make the world your office. Read More
Compressing images can have a massive impact on your load times and luckily, optimizing images doesn’t require sacrificing quality, nor does it have to require any additional time.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to setup an automated system that reduces the size of your images by up to 80%. Read More
The internet is invaluable to all of the world's people as a potentially limitless source of information. Many governments, perhaps for this reason, therefore choose to censor certain portions of the internet to influence what their people can read about or download. Every country has its own laws Read More
Here the Guide To Create Custom 404 Error Page with A Description and A beautiful Image for both WordPress and Blogger and make your blog SEO friendly! Read More
Tired of settling on bad directions from your navigation-inept friends? Google Maps' most recent update brings some exciting, new features into the hands of mobile users. Nick has the rundown in this Tek Shouts! article. Read More
No matter how many degrees you have or maybe even an MBA – no one really teaches you HOW TO BE A MARKETING MANAGER! This has always been a peeve of mine. After getting a marketing degree and then an MBA – I learned a lot about theory, strategy, buyer behavior, multivariate regression and segment Read More
Yesterday I went to a geek fight and a hockey game broke out. You may not understand that old boxing match/hockey game joke, but you'll get the geek fight that took place on Twitter, yesterday. Read More
An opportunity to boost profit margin exists in the cloud. Cloud-based tools help businesses save money, streamline operational efficiency and improve business security. Other cloud benefits include remote location work, spam filtering and online storage. Read More
I love blogging because it is one great online profession that allows you be who you truly want to be. Blogging is awesome but still Blogging can be... Read More
Small businesses are often more receptive than large ones because the playground for them is very competitive and the only way to survive the intense competition is to keep improving, for which they need new ideas. Read More

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