Oh, Google Maps, you always lead me to the best restaurants in town. Surely, though, I could survive without a digital assistant as my guide... right? How lost are we without our technological crutches, exactly? Lauren C. finds out on her unplugged trip to Hawai'i in this Tek Shouts! article. Read More
Have you ever faced "iTunes Could Not Connect to This iPhone" on your iPhone/iPad/iPod? I think big Yes! Actually, this is the common problem and a large percentage of iOS users face this problem. That could occur when you try to connect your iPhone or iPad to your Mac or PC, and trying to backup o Read More
2014 was definitely a trend-setter with organizations swiftly moving towards cloud environments, creating an on-premise and on-cloud assets ecosystem. Enterprises increasingly leveraged hybrid environments to improve IT infrastructure efficiencies and increase ROI. Cloud adoption in the SMB sector Read More
Here are the top challenges that enterprises must address while considering migration to a virtualized environment:

1. Creating an Excess of Virtual Machines – VM Sprawl

On a single host, it is possible to create innumerable virtual machines. Also known as VM Sprawl, this phenomenon is suppos Read More
Before you get stuck with unwanted VoIP service contracts, here are three questions to help you decide which service is right for your small business. Read More
Customer relationship management is key for small businesses to thrive. Every small business owner should look into online CRM as an affordable and easy-to-use option that will help you grow your business and develop stronger ties with your customers. Read More
Using insights from 47 million images, music tracks and collection of videos, Shutterstock's annual infographic looks at which searches and styles are on the rise, and predicting what will rule the creative world in 2014. Read More
I managed to work and travel around the world for 3 years with these 22 basic but essential things in my backpack. I hope the list will help you once you make the bold decision to set off on the road and make the world your office. Read More
Compressing images can have a massive impact on your load times and luckily, optimizing images doesn’t require sacrificing quality, nor does it have to require any additional time.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to setup an automated system that reduces the size of your images by up to 80%. Read More
The internet is invaluable to all of the world's people as a potentially limitless source of information. Many governments, perhaps for this reason, therefore choose to censor certain portions of the internet to influence what their people can read about or download. Every country has its own laws Read More

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