I had a client whose site went offline for a few days through no fault of their own. They called me one afternoon in a panic, wanting to know if our developer had taken down their site for some reason. I assured them that my in-house developer would never pull a site down for any reason—your websit Read More
One of the most common support questions we receive at YWD is “I need help setting up my email”. Emails are so easy to send and receive, but setting up an email account isn’t always that straight forward.

First some email best practices for businesses. It is not okay to have “gmail” or “hotmail” Read More
Pinterest is the hot new social network now! Pinterest is a two years old social networking site which lets users to share and collect things they like on web. It enables users to create online bulletin boards for popular categories. Read More
Intercultural training firm Farnham Castle has announced a new programme of intercultural and team-building programmes throughout Africa and the rest of the world, to be provided in association with Coach Africa. Read More
I've put together a short list of great social widgets to add to your WordPress sidebar to boost social engagement with your readers. Read More
latest negative campaign ad, sponsored by U.S. Senate candidate Pete Hoekstra against incumbent Debbie Stabenow. The PR Verdict: “D” a resounding flop. Read More
The world of technology is always evolving. As the technologies used by business professionals evolve, security threats and challenges change as well. Fusion Alliance's manager of security services discusses some of these information security challenges Read More
Your business web address, Domain or URL is how your audience finds you in the internet. It not only drives traffic to your website, but is also responsible for getting emails to your own email account (provided you have an email account with your business domain, which you should. Why, well credib Read More
Review of DomainWatch an app that adds a much-needed layer of security, policies and complexity to Google Apps for small businesses Read More
These days more and more things can be accomplished online - it's quicker, easier, and better for the environment! Read More

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