VPS hosting is a very important type of web hosting in which a customer gets a separate space for his/her server, with the freedom to operate as a totally independent virtual machine. It is the tot... Read More
Site that host blogs may offer a free trial for a week or a limited time only. After the user is happy with the service, he/she needs to pay for the hosting service in order to continue using the service.

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"Social media is a buzzword these days. Everyone is spending a considerable amount of money in SMM (Social Media Marketing to the lesser known) as a part of" Read More
The mystery deepens over news reports that Michelle Obama was in the New York store of Agent Provocateur, purveyor of racy lingerie. Three UK papers had the First Lady closing the store down as staff rang up sales, in a spending spree that allegedly totaled over $50,000. Michelle Obama’s staff deni Read More
The copyright owner of the song Eye of the Tiger filed a lawsuit against Newt Gingrich, GOP candidate yesterday. The filing demands Gingrich stop using the song at public appearances. Read More
Apple’s record-breaking financial results have been overshadowed by a NYTimes investigation concerning health and safety at Apple’s supplier factories abroad. Read More
Here are the brief descriptions of a few of the most important players in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) for small and medium business. Read More
Although a version of OneNote has been available for the iPhone for a while, only recently has a version become available for the iPad, at the webpage at Apple’s iTunes site or within the iTunes application store (search for OneNote).

A free version is available and an upgrade for $14.99. Both Read More
Small businesses who obtain government contracts know that the U.S. government is a desirable client. But how are small companies doing when it comes to landing federal contracts or subcontracts? American Express OPEN’s second annual government contracting survey of more than 700 active small gover Read More
Exchange Hosting offers small businesses the same enterprise class tools found in larger companies, at a fraction of the cost. Read More

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