As a small business owner people are always asking me “How’s business”. But I’ve always felt that I don’t really know the answer to this question. To help me and other small business owners answer this question I have built a free tool called Web Control Room but more on that later. Read More
A business's mission statement defines its purpose, its reason for being. These statements, however, tend to be broad and somewhat vague; making it difficult to identify the specific products, services, initiatives, and people that will most directly enable the company to achieve its purpose. Read More
Marketplace changes wait for no one. In today’s quickly changing business environment, competitors and vendors aggressively seek to gain a competitive advantage while government agencies and special interest groups continuously seek to further their agendas. These forces, acting together, demand a... Read More
Business bloggers at Harvard Business Review discuss a variety of business topics including managing people, innovation, leadership, and more. Read More
I'm not usually one to get political here at Blogger's Alchemy – in fact, I deliberately keep political opinion off my blog. But this is an exception... The Internet as we know it is Under Attack. If you're a blogger, webmaster or free internet user, read on. Read More
How can the United States compete better in the global economy? Increasing business innovation is the key. Read More
To further expand your business experience and increase office productivity, it’s imperative to attend industry specific conferences. Finding the right conference to attend is daunting as there are hundreds, if not thousands each year. Here's a short list of the conferences you should attend in 201 Read More
Review of Wave Accounting, a free online accounting software tool to help small businesses manage their accounts and finances. Wave Accounting is trying to make the process of accounting less arduous and complex so you have more time to attend to your business.

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After deploying unified communications, organizations can integrate their VoIP phone systems with a number of other collaborative solutions to make one communicative platform for all business purposes. However, when considering UC, executives should look at the total cost of ownership for the solut Read More
Ten years after then-CEO Bill Gates sent his all-hands e-mail of Jan. 12, 2002, ushering in the Trustworthy Computing (TwC) era at Microsoft, the same question should be asked of the computing public.

Are we better off than we were 10 years ago?

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