Fortune Magazine’s most recent ranking of the companies best at developing leaders reveals the Twin Cities area has the single greatest concentration of highly ranked companies in the world. General Mills (No. 3), 3M (16) and Cargill (17) made the top 25 globally. Mumbai, India, with two in the top 25, was the only other city with more than one firm. Read More
Tiger Woods is a success who is having to deal with a personal failure. Business owners glean staying power from golf legand legacy. Read More
Things to remember while selecting an internet phone service provider for office as well as residential voip.
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You're finally launching your new web site. And you're excited to have that big project finally done. Unfortunately, you need to budget for continual attention. Read More
This post talks about why SaaS is getting popular and enlists six benefits of going the SaaS way (Software as a Service) Read More
As the Beatles once sang, there is today another revolution coming. This time, driven by hard economic times and job insecurities, many are looking to a home business revolution. Whether you intend for your business only to start at home in an office in the den or even at the kitchen table and then grow or whether you plan for it to stay there, wo Read More
Looking at Web 3.0 as semantic (=meaning), implies information interconnected more intelligently, based on what we could simplify as the idea of folksonomy or “tagging” (but in a more automatic than what we are used to until now). This intelligence makes information more readily available to everyone and makes things relevant the information seeke Read More
More and more travel warriors are staying up to date with their favorite blogs and websites with the easy to use Kindle... Read More
Of all the solutions available to any company that seriously wants to reduce their operational expenses, VoIP is one of the easiest to implement and fastest to deliver a return on investment. This technology is widely used by the general public, which means a company's employees will be able to make the transition to this system without any loss i Read More
This story from CNN Small Business looks at the struggles of small business retailers who must cope with both slow sales and tight credit this holiday season. The lack of cash is leading to an inability to fill shelves for holiday shoppers something small businesses usually use either cash flow or credit to cover. This year they have nei Read More

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