IT organizations spend billions annually on compliance-related projects. That includes hardware, software, external consultants and (sometimes) uncounted internal human resources. The underlying question, though, is whether compliance improves the overall level of controls and security within a company. Read More
Anne Arundel Medical Center, located in Annapolis, Md., is employing a hybrid RFID and infrared technology solution known as VISion Asset Management to pinpoint the locations of assets that can be accessed by medical staff. The system, provided by Versus Technology, can locate an item to within a few feet, according to H.K. Snowday, Versus' chief Read More
In a dynamic move sure to rattle devotees of plain old home phones, Verizon Wireless will introduce the new Verizon Hub on Feb. 1. Only Verizon Wireless can launch a new touch screen home phone system designed to replace old-style home phones with a souped-up home communications system Read More
A key strategic concept that guides the Citrix Multimedia Virtualization Initiative (project Apollo) is "SmartRendering". This term describes the intelligent, automated combination of server-side and client-side rendering of graphics and media streams. SmartRendering considers such factors as the attributes of the application, the capabilities o Read More
According to Boy Genius Report, it appears that a new product called the Verizon Hub deskphone is launching and is even in Verizon stores with a "do not open until further instructions order". I looked at the Verizon Hub pictures and it looked identical to the Verizon One. One of my sources told me that the Verizon Hub is the same thing as the V Read More
The Trojan software found last week in unauthorized versions of Apple s iWork 09 productivity suite has been spotted lingering around Adobe Photoshop CS4. On Monday, Intego, the Mac-oriented security software maker that sounded the initial alarm about the iWorkServices Trojan, said that it has discovered a variant of the Trojan. Read More
Most everyone can relate to hiding a job search from a current employer. But how can job seekers protect their identities from public abuse when the majority of online career and social networking websites require job seekers personal information to sign up and for potential employers to find them? Read More
Businesses looking for safer virtual desktops can cut the risk of attacks if they run their virtual-machine hypervisors directly on computer hardware, eliminating reliance on separate operating systems that can be vulnerable to attack. Most recently Citrix is teaming up with Intel to optimize its XenDesktop software for desktops and laptops based Read More
Jerry Yang had it right back in 1994. An informed human mind can be a big help searching the Web. Read More
DENVER__John Wren announced today the formation of the new Denver Startup Forum to connect people and exchange ideas and experience about how to start a new career, campaign or new business. For more information contact John Wren at [email protected] or (303) 861-1447. Wren has hosted the weekly Denver IDEA Café startup workshop for over 10 years. Read More

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