Spring has sprung in many places in the country, and that means businesses related to gardening are gearing up for their busy season. Marketing Daily reports that Home Depot is planning a massive sales campaign this spring, similar to how retailers approach the Christmas holiday season. After all, Read More
We're down more than 1.1 million. That’s how many fewer self-employed Americans there are today than when the Great Recession began. According to Bureau of Read More
If your first startup fails, you are about average. Most entrepreneurs fail on at least one attempt. Investors agree that an entrepreneur who has never failed probably hasn’t pushed the limits. What investors look for is not that you never fail, but that you learn from the failure, maintain a posit Read More
Typesetting and punctuation errors are a lot like spelling mistakes and typos; they create a poor first impression for your company or brand. Read More
Latest Backlinks Amazon productsBacklink Guru: The Official Webmaster's Guide To Unlimited Backlinks!If you want to get page 1 rankings in the search engines, you need to read this step-by-step guide to creating a massive back-link campaign using some of the most effective strategies ever revealed! Read More
An interview with Ed Scanlan, founder of Total Attorneys, about how he built the his company to millions in revenue and why culture is so important. Read More
Is unemployment a bane or a boost to your health? Can taking a lousy job out of desperation be even worse for you? A flurry of new studies offer seemingly conflicting advice on how a stint out of the saddle can clobber your health and well-being. Read More
How good are you at Algebra? Don't worry I'm not going to melt your brain with Pythagoras's Theorem... Just some simple Division, Multiplication and Subtraction and we'll be able to figure out real quick how much Co-Insurance is going to ruin your day. Read More
My newest piece on the 5 worst things that can happen to your affiliate program, and how to avoid these nightmares. Read More
If your Blog isn't back up do it now! I was lucky, my Blog flat lined for 7-8 hours, it could have been Social Media suicide! Read More

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