So the first thing these business owners do is cut their marketing and advertising budgets. That's usually the worse thing they can do, but in this case, the traditional marketing methods are not bringing in as much business as before, and there's no way to measure what's actually working. Read More
Many people believe money is extremely important. When truthfully its not Read More
Unemployment is at a record high and many executives are finding themselves without a job. One alternative is to become a business owner through franchising. Read More
you have the necessary components to create your content marketing, custom media program. By understanding your customer's informational needs, and understanding what channels they use to get their current information, you can develop the tools that will form the base of your content program. Read More
Here are 4 backlink visualizing tools I manages to find (please add those I missed out): Read More
Cost consciousness. Budget cuts. Workforce reductions. Hiring freezes. We're beginning to see signs of the economic Armageddon everywhere. What a great time to be a search marketer! No, really. I'm serious. Because whatever the economic climate or business objective, search marketing is flexible enough to support it. Read More
We're building communities and networks that have the experience and expertise we need. The key is to get our networks working with us. Here are 5 ways to do just that. Read More
Have you spent a considerable amount of time working on an e-mail campaign only to realize that it might never reach the intended recipient's Inbox? What if it ends up in their Junk mail folder, never to be seen again? Or worse, what if they choose to unsubscribe from your mailing list and click on the dreaded “mark as spam” button? Read More
Making reports that can be viewed and understood by clients or C-level executives can be a pain at times. But I just started using a tool that has been getting some "oohhs" and "aahhs," and figured I should share. I'm a great guy like that! Read More

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