Hackers have developed a new worm cashing in on the popularity of new US president, Barack Obama. Read More
Believe it or not, there are a lot of different ways to monetize blogs. Every day, new options open up for bloggers to make some extra money. I thought I would share some of the most popular ways to monetize your blog below. Read More
AUP- acceptable usage policy is a set of rules applied by website owner which restrict the ways in which network or site may be used. Usually an AUP applies when the organization has global rules for operation of IT equipment by employees, students, etc. Read More
Foreign words bring new life to advertising copy Read More
VMware has updated and made significant improvement to its VMware Consolidated Backup (VCB) best practices. One of the most important changes is the possibility of backing up virtual machines using the API Microsoft VSS (Volume Shadow Services), which ensures the consistency of the file system as well as the transaction applications within the vir Read More
2008 provided less than positive news for many businesses, but with the Government latest announcement to encourage banks to lend to individuals and businesses, it could leave many of us wondering what step is to take next. If you have your own business you might be considering new ways to expand and make money. For an individual it will be differ Read More
Business is slowing down in most industries. Job loss is approaching record numbers. Access to credit has all but dried up. Common sense says that now is the time to tighten the purse strings and hunker down to weather the impending storm, but common sense is wrong. So why is right now the perfect time to increase your advertising? Read More
Ad Age's article published on January 5, 2009 ("Economy Weighs Heavily on Marketing Execs for 2009") started with, "Marketing executives are tired of buzzwords such as Web 2.0, blogs and social networking." The article goes on to say that marketers are going back to the basics with an emphasis on addressing four areas: customer satisfactio Read More
As we know, this recession's going to be pretty serious. We've already seeing very significant drops in the value of companies, we've already got debt coming out of the system, and deflating asset values. Read the full article on http://cmypitch.com Read More
Al Gosling talks to cmypitch.com Entrepreneur TV Al Gosling, developed a passion for extreme sports during his early teens and following a number of jobs went on to set up a business that would rapidly grow into the Extreme Group. School work was never a big focus for Al and being partially dyslexic he never achieved anything of note, but very Read More

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