If you are in the business of optimizing web pages and promoting web sites in search engines, in all likelihood, you've never personally experienced the product or service you're paid to market. Read More
YouTube Insight as we know, provides detailed statistics about the videos that you upload allowing you to see how often your videos are viewed in the different geographic regions, as well as how popular they are relative to all videos in that market over a given period of time. Today, YouTube Insight has gotten slightly better. And just as Google Read More
Guy Kingston, successful entrepreneur, looks into 15 influencial films with a business theme Read More
The 3 phase business strategy by the Underpants Gnomes has to be one of the most ingenious plans created but it had its flaws. Here's what B2B Marketers can learn from the ineffectiveness of the Underpants Gnomes plan. Read More
Building and maintaining a marketing database is a critical component of marketing and one that does use up a significant amount of time and resources. Here is a view on why it may just make more sense to consider outsourcing this activity. Read More
Google has launched a new feature for YouTube Insight: Hot Spot, which enables clients to play their videos alongside a graph that reflects the "ups-and-downs of viewership at different moments within the video." "Hot" and "cold" spots in the content are determined by comparing a videos abandonment rate to other videos on YouTube of simil Read More
Franchise companies, facing what many say is the toughest economic environment they've seen, are offering two-for-one deals, reduced fees and financing help to woo new buyers. They are also paying existing franchisees to help spread the word. Read More
Business owners have a choice--we can live in fear or we can choose to Reject the Recession! Read More
Here's a checklist you can use to make sure your employee survey efforts are successful. Read More
Thinking about conducting your first employee survey? Here are some tips to help make your effort successful. Read More

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