Reversing the outsourcing of Jobs. Here is a company that is doing is slowly and without federal aid or mandates. Read More
Perhaps as a tribute to its mainstream legitimacy, Twitter's turf has been invaded by at least two spammer-orchestrated scams. In the widespread of the two, users receive a direct message from a follower, bearing this or similar bait: "hey! check out this funny blog about you—", followed by a link to a webpage. Read More
With the economy tanking, many small business owners are using promotions, sales and discounts to boost profits this holiday season. Coupons are a natural fit, since so many consumers are actively looking for ways to save money. Before you run a discount promotion though, make sure you take a look at the 5 specific steps to coupon success below to Read More
Search engines view each page in your website as a unique micro-site. As a result, each page can rank on its own accord if the appropriate signals are created. Building strong relationships from page to page in your site is what produces a dominant domain in search engines. However before domain authority occurs, each page must be optimized for a Read More
Throughout a number of posts on this blog I've written about niche social media sites and their potential to be an excellent source of traffic for blogs. The idea behind niche sites as opposed to major social media sites like Digg, Reddit and StumbleUpon is that the visitors you receive from niche sites will be far more targeted, and generally hig Read More
List of Free and Paid SEO Tools on the Internet Read More
Do you have a blog that is still not ranking well in the search engines? This article will get your newly keyword researched and optimized blog post into the first page of Google search results today! Read More
You can have and be whatever you want in life. Think positive Read More
Success comes in clusters of talent, resources, ideas. Here's a brief profile of one small town and how they clustered 3 of the worlds largest manufacturers, competing in the same industry, to create thousands of local jobs. Can your community do the same? Is your company standing in the way? Read More

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