Lady Gaga has become a world wide music phenomena as well as a massive influencer. The smart folks point to her sprawling social media presence where she rules without equal.But there’s something more, much more. Take a close look and you’ll see a strange genius to her social media antics and a blu Read More
This week's tip is all about content creation for your Youtube channel. First, let's start with probably the most popular kinds of videos that people come up with on Youtube. You can have Powerpoint or Keynote presentations, screencasts, stuff from Fiverr like animations, paper clipping and drawing Read More
No matter what type of site your business has, you’ll want to find an SEO company with experience in organic SEO, content marketing, and social media marketing. Read More
Goals are very important for your life and your career, it doesn’t matter what you are doing in life, but if you don’t have a goal in life then your life is a waste , Goals makes you powerful, influential, and gives you a reason to live your life. Read More
With their freemium pricing model, SaaS business applications have upended the software licensing paradigm. Cloud apps have hastened its demise. Although legacy systems are still available, small businesses and large organizations are clearly moving towards a business model underscored by free or e Read More
When you have been on the startup firing line, you quickly learn that any insight from experts and entrepreneurs who have been there before you can make the difference between failure and success. Yet, many new entrepreneurs brazenly assume they are bulletproof, and march blindly into the fray. The Read More
Research shows that networking can increase your sales significantly. In a recent study of over 12,000 professionals around the world, those that spent over six hours a week networking could count on nearly half of all sales coming through referrals.
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December is all about "project planning" for the new year. You're planning content projects, marketing campaigns, sales goals etc, but have you gotten around to planning your social media strategy for 2013?

If not, you need to.

Planning a social strategy is a bit tougher than one might think. Read More
With more than 300,000 employees in over 90 countries, HP is a large company by anyone’s standards. This size and scale allows them to make an impact in a way that smaller organizations cannot. Read More
Is buying a franchise with a well-known brand a wise play? It is--sometimes. But, you can't control what the "brand" does. For example, lousy PR about an event that occurred all the way on the other side of the country can damage a franchisee's business. Read More

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