Business environment IDN learn & create perfect business environment also know what is the key factors for success business environment. Read More
You know your company needs to have an online presence – that’s old news. You have a website and it’s intended to promote your key messages, provide valuable information to your target audience, as well as the general public and the media. Read More
Friday….fabulous Friday and as usual, my week has been spent working on client updates and more news to read, digest, hypothesize upon, test, measure and then…do it all over again!

So at weeks end, what have I got this time to have you spend your weekend thinking on – well, it’s a site by two of Read More
Flyers can be a great advertising tool for local businesses. They can be cheaper and easier to make than a brochure, and they can hold much more information than a business card.

Flyers can be used for all sorts of businesses - for general advertising or for promoting a special event or sale. H Read More
Ebay, one of the sites that truly put e-commerce on the map, has announced a redesign including features borrowed from one of the hottest new social sites of the last few years,Pinterest. In our roundup, we look at the latest news in the e-commerce world, then focus in on how small businesses are u Read More
Personal satisfaction at your level of effort is the real measurement of success. Victory is in the effort, the result can be failure as well as success, the result is irrelevant. Read More
As the end of the year approaches, hopefully you are organizing your home business taxes. Getting your paperwork in order now can save you a lot of trouble later. And, if you don’t have an accountant to help you with your home business, you should consider getting one. Read More
Mahatma Gandhi wrote the Full Effort is Full Victory, this is paraphrased by me. The satisfaction is in the effort, not necessarily the result of the effort. Read More
To be effective in getting more customers you can’t leave it to chance. As this makes your marketing more difficult to get results. Here is a story about a giraffe that provides simple lesson when you want more customers. Read More
Is your life not very rewarding? Do you feel stressed almost all the time? Do you feel tired and feel like you’ll never be happy again? Perhaps you feel this way because there’s a lot going on in your life. There are a lot of things to worry about. Read More

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