If you want want to send the right impression to a potential employer, you need to include keywords. Are you using the right terminology in your resume? Read More
Many of us are looking ways to be more productive with our time. Whether you want more time to improve yourself through knowledge, make more money, or have more time to just relax, increased productivity frees up time to work on the things you want to work on. Read More
3 Gold Medal Mindset tips to help you win in your business. Stop praying, wishing and hoping an opportunity falls in your lap. Make a decision and take action so that you can become the type of person who can attract the right opportunities to you. Read More
As a small or medium size enterprise, you may be required to offer maternity and paternity leave to your employees. Read More
Last week was Social Media Week in Los Angeles, and I attended a panel specifically for the travel and hospitality industries called “Better than Room Service: Travel & Hospitality Gets Social.” The speakers were all involved in social media in various avenues of these industries: theatre, hotels a Read More
As marketers, we’ve all heard John Wanamaker’s famous quote…

“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.”

The reason that this quote is so popular is because it resonates very well with business owners, entrepreneurs, and advertisers. It turns out Read More
Are you scared of showrooming? If you’re a small retailer, you have reason to be. The trend in which consumers visit a physical store, look at products they like, use their mobile devices to find better deals online and then buy the products elsewhere, has spurred a frenzy in the retail world.
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No matter how big social media becomes or how many apps are released for mobile devices, it’s safe to say that email marketing is not disappearing in the near future. Given the fact that email is here to stay, it is critical to continue growing your email subscriber list in order to keep current cu Read More
In business, as in life, we tend to put a lot of store in being right. But sometimes being right has no value. In business, it’s not enough to be right, we need to only concern ourselves with adding value. In fact, even failure has a value. This post looks at how adding value is a better objective Read More
Take a lesson from sports and social media. Use that knowledge to help grow your business. Let’s try and have some good karma. Think of at least one nice thing to tweet or post on Google+ , LinkedIn or Facebook. Read More

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