Buyers are shaving supplier margins by adopting an incremental and yet relentless approach to getting what they want. The sales negotiation technique in question is the aptly named "salami technique". This sales article provides tips on how it can be managed. Read More
This article identifies the needs of start-ups that can be fulfilled by using cloud based application. Moreover, it also explores these needs one by one and gives tip to choose the right applications. Read More
Students are trying to do all they can to get ahead. However they often neglect blogging. Discover three reasons why blogging is good for you as a student!
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The theory that even the poorest markets in the world can be revenue generating for companies if they tailored their product and packaging to these markets is considered the “bottom of the pyramid” concept. Read More
Kristi Yamaguchi discusses her exciting new venture, and what she's looking most forward to at the summer Olympics. Read More
There are a lot of websites that allow you to create a website for free. These "create your own website for small business" sites usually aren't worth bothering with, though.

By far, the best website for small business is the one you create yourself. Read More
Where's the gap between your big goals and you? As the small business grow, the owner's role changes. The time to bring in a coach is when this dissonance is too uncomfortable or too acceptable. Read More
Every entrepreneur wants to know how they can improve their odds on the road to success, and why some entrepreneurs seem to be able to squeeze success out of even a marginal business case. Most experts agree that is has lot to do with your level of passion, determination, and innovation, modulated Read More
A few years ago I was working with one of those lucky startups. By lucky I mean they had a decent amount of VC funding and weren’t completely bootstrapped for a budget. They even had allocated a set amount of their marketing budget for a startup SEO campaign because they wanted the full SEO/social Read More
If you are blogging with SEO in mind (which you should be) you know that it’s important to include targeted keywords in the post and meta information. The meta element that carries the most weight with the search engines is the title, so it’s important to include keywords there as appropriate. The Read More

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