WordPress has a lot of plugins which extend it's functionality.

However, just installing a plugin is not enough.

With this simple tip, you can keep your WordPress plugins up-to-date with minimal effort. Read More
Everyone's searching for the answer (I know I am) so for today's article let's say we found it. One step further, let's say it's a form. A form on your website might seem like a little thing, but it says so much about your company, your outlook, and your business practices that you might not even r Read More
Is your small business deciding whether to invest in a mobile app vs. a mobile website? This article offers advice on which approach might work best for you. Read More
The tale of the Meddling Moneyman, or how an unreasonable Director can have a negative impact on the day-to-day operations and the strategic direction of a company. Read More
Guest posts helps gain exposure, build credibility and good for SEO. Approaching blog owners the wrong way, will not only get you slammed, it might hurt you too Read More
Theater companies, symphony orchestras, and other performing arts organizations have done an especially good job of identifying customers’ fears and addressing them with innovative marketing. Here are some of the questions they’ve addressed and overcome.
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In addition to the threat of public negative feedback, the use of social media unleash a host of privacy and compliance concerns within regulated industries. Read More
Is your sales team seeing certain sales opportunities that keep showing up in the sales forecast month after month, but without ever moving closer to closing a deal? These sales leads that linger for months are drifting along in “sales purgatory,” neither alive nor dead. To get past the frustration Read More
Due to the rise in cloud app proliferation it’s only natural that software makers want to offer legal services cloud-based applications... This article will guide you to choose right legal & law enforcement application. Read More
Most startup founders know exactly what they want to design and sell, and they are personally convinced that everyone will buy one. Yet they often fail to realize that their view is likely biased, and will be instantly discounted by potential investors. Business plans with no “industry expert” data Read More

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