By Rieva Lesonsky. If just thinking about walking into a room full of strangers makes you break out in a cold sweat, here are some tips to make networking easier, more effective and maybe even fun. Read More
If your small business has multiple servers running multiple applications, server virtualization can help you consolidate and cut costs. Read More
Pinterest is one of the most popular social sites today. Check out this infographic to see why you MUST get your retail products on Pinterest. Read More
No matter what business you are planning on creating, you need a tax ID. Having a tax ID makes doing business easier, and will often save you time and effort once your business starts taking off. Read More
Global Brands should partner with Distributors to execute Co-Marketing Initiatives for In-Store Marketing with iPad. Use iPads in retail locations for customer engagement. Read More
If you want to start a blog for fun or for passion than you don't have to worry about Blogging platforms, but if you want to start a blog to make money and willing to go for pro Blogging than you need to think about a right Blogging platform. Read More
“…the internet is not something you just dump something on. It’s not a truck. It’s a series of tubes. And if you don’t understand, those tubes can be filled…enormous amounts of material, enormous amounts of material.” — Senator Ted Stevens, 2006 Open Your Eyes You wake up and find yourself trapped Read More
Here are some tips and ideas incorporating mobile e-commerce technology you can use for your retail store marketing campaigns. Read More
Japanese are often quiet in meetings because they have trouble getting a word in edgewise. When things are moving too quickly, or too much slang or technical jargon is being used, Japanese will lose the thread of the conversation.

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We are talking about angel investors here, meaning people who invest their own money in early-stage startups for a share of the equity. These people are highly focused on investment areas they know, which have a large opportunity for growth, revenue projection of $20M or more in five years, and a h Read More

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