Customers expect more from their sales people. Here are the top 5 qualities they wished their sales people could work more on. Read More
Do you want a bigger client base, more projects to work on, better paying clients (or any at all!) and fanatically loyal customers that won’t even take calls from your competition?
You can have all of that by working on one single thing: building strong business relationships, which coincidentally Read More
Are you a new business owner? Are you currently spending your time doing your own bookkeeping? Should you be? This article aims to help you determine if doing the task of bookkeeping is the best use of your time and money. Read More
We’re back on track with our iPhone game. Unfortunately, we’ve had some real nightmares when working with iPhone app developers. Here’s what we learned. Read More
Large national expos like this provide multiple opportunities for networking or meeting distributors, manufacturers or other business partners. However, smaller local events can prove beneficial as well. If you watch locally, you’ll most likely find a variety of craft shows, baby fairs, tradeshows, Read More
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. —The Declaration of Independence4 of July, 1776. Read More
Barry Moltz challenges you to perfect your elevator pitch. Answer these three essential questions so you can capture the attention of your audience. Are you ready? Read More
The PR Verdict:”F” (Full Fiasco) for Bob Diamond. Telling the media and staff he had no intention of leaving his post wasn't his call. An oddly cavalier declaration. Read More
Finding funding will always be a crucial issue for startups. Gust is working to make the process a little more manageable, however. The site offers both entrepreneurs and investors the opportunity to fill out profiles and connect. Since 2011, over 1,000 startups have been funded through Gust. Read More
When go to work for “the man,” you will be expected to fill out a Form W-4. If you want to adjust your withholding to better reflect your tax liability, all you have to do is fill out and turn in a new W-4. Read More

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